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  • Writer's pictureErikah

Traditionally Speaking

I was brought up in church; all my life, every Sunday, my brothers and I were in church with my grandmother. At one point in my journey, my grandmother and I attended church on Saturdays. The point is I know how to "do" church. I was sitting in church recently and singing a song I have sung for years on end; I stopped and said, " God, what does this song really mean? I have been singing, clapping, shouting, and "doing" church for so long that I never stopped to think about what I am singing, saying, doing or the why behind it all. As I said, these blogs are Holy Spirit-led, and I dare not take this space for granted to spread my opinion versus my obedience to my God. With that being said, traditions came to mind! How many traditions do we have, practice, and maintain all because that's what we were taught and continue the traditions into the next generations? I was recently conversing with my nine-teen-year-old son, and Holy Spirit spoke. I was talking to my son about the importance of God's word and his decisions. I informed him you are a man; you are nineteen. I was not a perfect mother, and I made many mistakes. I was taught how to "go" to church, and I was not taught the word of God (WOW!!!) I had no idea where this came from, so I knew the Holy Spirit was speaking; I continued and said, "What did I teach you and your siblings? He said the word of God. I said incorrect, son. I taught you how to "go" to church (SPEAK Holy Spirit, SPEAK). I said yes, we had bible study at home outside of the church, and yes, I would make you read the word, but did I apply that word, or did I close the book and continue to do the same hell as if the word had no effect on me? He was silent; I said it's okay, son, I will speak for myself; I did not honor and glorify God with my actions in multiple ways. I apologized to my son and to God. I continued to tell my child this BIBLE is basic instruction before leaving earth, and although I didn't teach you the necessities to have a heart yearning and chase after the God who chases after you, you still have the opportunity. Lamentations 3:23 says His mercies are new every morning. So the same conversation I had with my child I want to have with you.

Whether you are saved or not saved, whether you know the Lord or not, whether you have a personal relationship with him or not, the BIBLE is truly the book for you. If your heart is open to no longer following tradition and "going" or "doing" church, I would love you to explore the trinity that I serve. Explore how much He loves you, not because you are in a church building but because He is living, breathing, walking, and talking inside of you. That hole in your chest you are trying to fill with people, drugs, sex, books, jobs, money, shopping, etc., was and is only meant for the Holy Spirit to dwell in (El Bethel), the God who dwells in you.

Holy Spirit, El Bethel, come and dwell in me. Come and dwell in these readers if they will have you. Traditionally speaking, no longer do what you were taught; instead, ask why? How does this glorify God and change me? Ask God to send people who will help you with your spirit walk. Position yourself to be found by asking questions, getting vulnerable, and forgetting what others say or think; after all, this is your individual walk. Get it right sooner than later.

Colossians 1:9–10 — New Living Translation (NLT) 9 So we have not stopped praying for you since we first heard about you. We ask God to give you complete knowledge of his will and to give you spiritual wisdom and understanding. 10 Then the way you live will always honor and please the Lord, and your lives will produce every kind of good fruit.


Father, thank you for who you are and your revelation. Thank you for the opportunity to spread the gospel ad truth to your people. Thank you for every reader reading or listening to these words. May they be edified, uplifted, and encouraged to change their traditions and wholeheartedly chase after the God who is chasing after them. Father God, I repent of my living and taking my traditions more seriously than I did your word for a number of years. Please forgive me as I try to walk worthy of this new knowledge and understanding. Thank you for giving us a new opportunity to get it right. Each day is a beautiful blessing we are not promised. You are so good, so kind, so loving, so patient. Thank you, Lord. Holy Spirit, you are welcome to dwell in me, in us today, dwell and make your home among us. In Jesus' name, amen.

Living in, on, and for purpose, are you?

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