Hey, y'all! God downloads on my walks, and I absolutely love it. Who hurt you? Who did you hurt? Does your hurt have a name or person tied to it? Everybody and their mama have something to say about forgiveness, right. I know I have listened, read, and studied many different plans, preachers, and books about forgiveness. Yet it's an ongoing battle for me; what about you?
We will not dive deep into this; however, what I will say is we all have it. Yours may be different than mine or similar. We all have it, no doubt. Unforgiven hurt.
Please check out this sermon series from Transformation Church I have been listening to. Michael Todd is truly God gifted.
Also, check out this song by Jonathan McReynolds, People.
Let me tell you this (I am totally guilty); our hurt is important to God. Don't ever underestimate or devalue your hurt; it happened, it was not fair; it can never be compared to others hurt. Your hurt is important, and God cares. Give it to Him and never compare your hurt to others hurt and situations.
What's your hurt? Tell it and release it to God. Trust me, He is listening and wants it. He will not waste your hurt. He will take your hurt and use it to make you stronger. Stop talking about your hurt with everybody else and give it to the one who can turn it for your good and His glory.
Practical steps:
1. Pray and soak in Matthew 11:28-30, John 16:33, 2 Corinthians 12:10, Romans 8:28
2. Listen to Jonathan McReynolds's song, People
3. Check out the Transformation church series on FU (forgiveness university)
4. Keep practicing and progressing daily. Thank you for progressing with me.
Living in, on, and for purpose, are you?
